Western’s Faculty of Education has a dedicated scholarship program for graduate students who live with disabilities. This initiative strives to seed the roots for positive change and reinforces the Faculty of Education’s strategic plan to create systemic, social, and ideological changes across the faculty. This scholarship provides support for students with disabilities who have historically faced social and economic barriers that disproportionately hinder access to and completion of their graduate studies.
Amount: 4,500
Number Available: 2
Deadline: April 30th, annually
To qualify you must:
- Be a student enrolled in a graduate level education program and identify as a person living with disabilities
How to Apply
Must include the following:
- Complete Application Form
- Send the completed form to graded@uwo.ca
Ongoing Eligibility:
Applicants may apply to both Faculty of Education scholarships, the scholarship for students living with disabilities and the scholarship for Indigenous students. However, successful applicants may be awarded only one of these scholarships
Contact Information
Phone: 519-661-2111, ext. 82099
Address:Western University, Faculty of Education, 1137 Western Rd., Room 1166 London, ON, Canada N6G 1G7
Website: www.edu.uwo.ca