The Lucie and Phil Latulippe Fund Fellowship is available to students at Université Laval who have motor or sensory disabilities.
Amount: $1500
Number: 3
Deadline: fall 2020 [2021-2022 information is currently unavailable]
Donors: Lucie and Phil Latulippe Fund
Goal: Promote the practice of sports activities for Laval University students who have a motor or sensory disability that is a constraint to their achievement.
- Being a person with a motor or sensory disability recognized by Laval University;
- Be registered as a full-time or part-time student at Université Laval during the scholarship session.
- Canadian Citizens
- Permanent Residence
- Selection Criteria
- Constraints and difficulties encountered in the practice of physical and sporting activities
- Beneficial effects of physical activity on well-being
- Impact of the grant on the improvement of its condition and the achievement of its objectives
How to Apply
You must complete the online application form.
IMPORTANT: Please attach a one-page letter (Arial 11, 8 1/2 x 11) stating all of the following :
- the physical activities you are currently doing ;
- the physical activities that this scholarship would allow you to undertake or continue ;
- how these activities contribute to your well-being;
- how your disability is a constraint to the achievement of these activities;
- the nature of the help you would need to get there.
Recipients will be announced no later than the end of the fall semester. An email will be sent to all students who have applied.
Contact Information
Office of Bursaries and Financial Aid (BBAF)
Alphonse-Desjardins Pavilion
2325, rue de l’Université, Suite 2546
Université Laval
Québec, Quebec G1V 0A6
418 656-3332
Toll free: 1 877 785-2825
See Also
Other University of Laval scholarships:
- TD Meloche Monnex Insurance Scholarship for Students with Functional Disabilities (Motor or Sensory)
See other Quebec scholarships // See other scholarships in the “other” category