Charmaine Letourneau Scholarship

Available to students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing attending post-secondary education in Alberta with demonstrated knowledge of sign language and financial need.

Amount: $5000

Number Available: 1

Deadline: August 31st, 2021

The Charmaine Letourneau Scholarships support post-secondary education for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Albertans. Priority is given to individuals who demonstrate involvement in Deaf and Hard of Hearing organizations, school or community leadership, commitment to and diligence in studies, and likelihood the program of study will lead to employment or further educational opportunities.

An educator and advocate, Charmaine Letourneau received the Order of Canada in 2001 in recognition of her work in improving the quality of life for Deaf people.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must:

  • be Deaf or Hard of Hearing (the extent of hearing loss must be significant)
  • be a permanent resident or citizen of Canada
  • be a resident of Alberta
  • be pursuing an academic or training program at a qualified post-secondary or vocational school in Alberta OR at an educational institution outside of Alberta specializing in programming for Deaf or Hard of Hearing students
  • demonstrate knowledge (whether basic or fluent) of sign language
  • demonstrate financial need

Consideration and priority will be given to those demonstrating:

  • involvement in local Deaf organizations and a demonstrated commitment and involvement as a volunteer
  • leadership within school or community
  • diligence and effort in studies
  • regular attendance and punctuality in school or in the workplace
  • a likelihood that their program of study will lead to employment or further educational opportunities
  • commitment to the qualifying program and the proposed field of study or employment

How to Apply

Apply online here (registration/log in required)

Required documents to apply:

  • two reference letters from people who have known the applicant for at least six months that highlight the above criteria and priorities
  • a personal letter describing how the applicant feels they meet the award criteria and priorities
  • an audiogram or other medical documentation of hearing loss
  • a statement of grades on your most recent studies (unofficial transcripts are acceptable)


Contact Information

Anna Opryshko (Student Awards Associate)

Phone: (780) 426-0015 x 107


Edmonton Community Foundation

9910-103 Street, Edmonton AB, T5K 2V7

Phone: 780-426-0015

Fax: 780-425-0121


Source 1 | Source 2 | Source 3 (log in required)

See Also:

See other Alberta Scholarships // See other scholarships for Deaf or hard of hearing