Available to students who have been severely injured or who have had an immediate family member killed or severely injured as a result of an impaired driving crash. Amount: $10,000 and $5,000 Deadline: May 31st Criteria Applicants must: be Canadian citizens have themselves
Moving Lives Forward Scholarship Program
Available to students in Newfoundland and Labrador who have received adult services from a provincial Mental Health and Addictions Program. Amount: Up to $1,500 Deadline: April 15th, August 1st, November 1st 2021 The Moving Lives Forward Scholarship Program is a provincial program supporting
William Fraser Bursary for Students with Disabilities
Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Director of the Paul Menton Centre for students with Disabilities to undergraduate students with a permanent physical disability. Eligible recipients will be in demonstrated financial need and be registered with the Paul Menton
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Walker Wood Award(s)
Awarded on the recommendation of the Director of the Paul Menton Centre, to outstanding students with a demonstrated permanent disability enrolled in any program of study at Carleton University. Preference will be given to student in financial need from Atlantic
Thomas Sorensen Memorial Scholarship
Established by the Sorensen family to honour the legacy of their son, Thomas Sorensen, who was a student at Carleton from 2013-2014. Thomas had big dreams, was a true advocate for persons with disabilities and devoted countless hours volunteering and
Susan Parker Scott Scholarship
Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities to an outstanding undergraduate student entering or proceeding from one year to another at Carleton University. Established by CFUW-Ottawa Club at the request of Fran Harding
Nicholas Leroux Memorial Bursary
Awarded annually, to deserving undergraduate students entering or proceeding from one year to another of any program, to support students with disabilities in the attendant services program at Carleton University. Recipients will have demonstrated financial need, must be Canadian citizens
Making a Difference Award
Awarded on the recommendation of the Director of the Paul Menton Centre, to outstanding students with a documented permanent physical disability entering a program of study within the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Science, the Arthur Kroeger College of
John Teuscher Memorial Scholarship
Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities, to a student with a Learning Disability proceeding from one year to another who has been involved in student life and is a Canadian citizen. Preference
IODE Lord Dundonald Giselle Lazure Memorial Award
Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities to an outstanding student entering or proceeding from one year to another at Carleton University who is in demonstrated financial need. Eligible students will have a