- Ade Adegbite Memorial ScholarshipThe Ade Adegbite Memorial Scholarship recognizes students with epilepsy who have overcome barriers and who continue to demonstrate resilience in coping with the challenges of epilepsy. Amount: $1500 Number Available: 2 Deadline: May 3, 2021 Cretia • be a person living with epilepsy.• be age 17 or over• be a Canadian citizen, Protected Person or Permanent Resident of Canada (proof of ...Read more
- APUS Bursary ProgramThe Association of Part-Time Undergraduate Students’ Bursary is available to part-time students at the University of Toronto. This is for the winter term bursary. Amount: $1000 Number: on average 4 bursaries are offered Deadline:Closed Opens:Check back for future APUS Bursaries (Winter 2025) @APUS97 This bursary was created as part of the Association of Part-Time Undergraduate Students’ (APUS) 50th anniversary celebration. We are ...Read more
- Dr. E. Bruce Hendrick Scholarship ProgramThe Dr. E. Bruce Hendrick Scholarship Program is open to Canadian citizens with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus residing in Canada. Amount: Varies Number Available: Varies Deadline: April 30, 2025 Named in honour of Dr. E. Bruce Hendrick as a tribute to his dedication, on-going support and outstanding service to our members. The Dr. E. Bruce Hendrick Scholarship Program was established ...Read more
- Dr. John Davis Burton AwardThe John Davis Burton Award is an award to honor a student in good standing who has made a significant contribution toward awareness, equality and integration of persons with disabilities within the educational community. This award is given annually to a deserving student who is enrolled at Algonquin College, Carleton University, La Cité collègiale or the University of Ottawa. Amount: Varies Number Available: 1 Open: ...Read more
- Ed Ireland Award for Disabled International StudentsAwarded annually, on the recommendation of the Director of the Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities, to one (1) international student who is entering or proceeding from one year to another and who is registered with the Paul Menton Centre. Recipients will be in demonstrated financial need. Should the recipient be a graduate student, ...Read more
- Ed Ireland Bursary for Students with DisabilitiesAwarded annually to two (2) deserving students proceeding from one year to another. Successful applicants are selected from within the following areas: College of Humanities, Human Rights, Electronics – doing research work in the area of silicon-based optical sensors, the Attendants Service Program, and students with disabilities registered with the Paul Menton Centre. Amount: 500$ Number Available: ...Read more
- Eric Waldron ScholarshipThe Eric Waldron Scholarship is awarded to a student with cerebral palsy who is a current Lifetime Member of OFCP and who is enrolled in an Ontario College or University and who has already completed their first year. Amount: $500 Number Available: 1 Deadline: Friday, August 21, 2020 Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy has established several annual awards to acknowledge ...Read more
- Faculty of Education Scholarship: Graduate Students Living with DisabilitiesWestern’s Faculty of Education has a dedicated scholarship program for graduate students who live with disabilities. This initiative strives to seed the roots for positive change and reinforces the Faculty of Education’s strategic plan to create systemic, social, and ideological changes across the faculty. This scholarship provides support for students with disabilities who have historically ...Read more
- IODE Lord Dundonald Giselle Lazure Memorial AwardAwarded annually on the recommendation of the Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities to an outstanding student entering or proceeding from one year to another at Carleton University who is in demonstrated financial need. Eligible students will have a permanent mental or physical disability and be registered with the Paul Menton Centre. Established in ...Read more
- James R. (Jamie) Greilich Memorial BursaryThe James R. (Jamie) Greilich Memorial Bursary is available to students attending McMaster University. Amount: varies Number Available: Varies Deadline: January 11th, 2025 with your supporting documents due on January 22, 2025. For Undergrad The James R. (Jamie) Greilich Memorial Bursary was established in 1991 in memory of Jamie Greilich (Class of ’88) by the Operating Committee on the ...Read more
- James R. (Jamie) Greilich Memorial ScholarshipThe James R. (Jamie) Greilich Memorial Scholarship is available to students studying at McMaster University. Amount: $5000 Number Available: 1 Deadline: September 8th, 2025 Or April 30th 2025 depending on where you look on the website The James R. (Jamie) Greilich Memorial Scholarship was established in 2015 by Mr. George and Mrs. Rita Greilich in memory of their son Jamie, ...Read more
- Jeanne and Peter Nolan AwardThe Jeanne and Peter Nolan Award is available to students studying at McMaster University. Amount: Varies Number Available: Varies Deadline: Sept 8th or April 30 Depending on where you look on the website. The Jeanne and Peter Nolan Award was established in 2014 by Kim (Class of 2004 and 2009) and Tim (Class of ‘86 and 2004) Nolan to celebrate ...Read more
- John D. McNie Achievement Award of ExcellenceThe John D. McNie Achievement Award of Excellence is available to students studying at McMaster University who are blind or visually impaired. Amount: Varies Number Available: Varies Deadline: April 15th Annually The John D. McNie Achievement Award of Excellence was established in 2001 by David O. Davis in honour of John D. McNie. Please check the website to see ...Read more
- John Teuscher Memorial ScholarshipAwarded annually, on the recommendation of the Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities, to a student with a Learning Disability proceeding from one year to another who has been involved in student life and is a Canadian citizen. Preference will be given to a student enrolled in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. ...Read more
- Luciana Spring Mascarin BursaryThe Luciana Spring Mascarin Bursary is available to students residing in the Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent area in Ontario with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus Amount: Varies Number Available: Varies Deadline: March 31st, 2025 The Luciana Spring Mascarin Bursary Program was established in April 1993 in memory of this young girl who truly loved to learn. Just months before her passing, Luciana ...Read more
- Making a Difference AwardAwarded on the recommendation of the Director of the Paul Menton Centre, to outstanding students with a documented permanent physical disability entering a program of study within the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Science, the Arthur Kroeger College of Public Affairs or in a program in Accounting. Recipients will demonstrate leadership and be committed ...Read more
- McMaster Achievement Awards of ExcellenceThe McMaster Achievement Awards of Excellence are available to students who are registered with McMaster University’s Student Accessibility Services (SAS). Amount: $800 Number Available: 1 Deadline: April 30th Established in 1998. Criteria A variable number of scholarships to be awarded to students who, in the judgment of the Student Accessibility Services (SAS), demonstrate outstanding academic achievement. Preference will be given to first-degree ...Read more
- Michael Kamin Hart ScholarshipThe Michael Kamin Hart Scholarship is available to students in Ontario who have undergone treatment or are currently undergoing treatment for cancer. Amount: $1000 Number Available: Varies Deadline: August 2nd (Annually) But there is no Scholarship for the 2020 school year. Hopefully it there will be one for the 2021 year! This scholarship was created to honour the memory of Michael Kamin ...Read more
- Nicholas Leroux Memorial BursaryAwarded annually, to deserving undergraduate students entering or proceeding from one year to another of any program, to support students with disabilities in the attendant services program at Carleton University. Recipients will have demonstrated financial need, must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada (landed immigrants or protected persons), and must meet OSAP’s Ontario residency ...Read more
- Osler Epilepsy ScholarshipThe Osler Epilepsy Scholarship is available to students in Ontario with Epilepsy. Amount: $1500 Number Available: 4 Deadline: For the 2020 Year the Osler Epilepsy Scholarship has been Suspended Hopefully It will reopen in the 2021 School year! Are you a student with Epilepsy who is enrolled or is about to be enrolled in a post-secondary education program this September? Then congratulations, ...Read more
- Seneca College Scholarships and BursariesSeneca College has a number of scholarships and bursaries available to students with disabilities. Each of those are listed here along with their individual criteria. Amount: $350-$1000 Number: 5 Deadline: TBD But the renewable scholarships for the 2021 academic year is open from now until the tenth day of class. All other awards will be available in fall and open ...Read more
- Susan Parker Scott ScholarshipAwarded annually on the recommendation of the Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities to an outstanding undergraduate student entering or proceeding from one year to another at Carleton University. Established by CFUW-Ottawa Club at the request of Fran Harding and funded through generous donations from Fran and other CFUW-Ottawa Club members. It is named in ...Read more
- Tamara Gordon Foundation ScholarshipThe Tamara Gordon Foundation Scholarship is available to students with physical disabilities studying at an Ontario university or college. Amount: Varies Number Available: Varies Deadline: 2021/2022 academic year The Tamara Gordon Foundation was established in 2013, to assist students with permanent physical disabilities who wish to pursue the completion of an educational field of study. The award of a TGF Scholarship is ...Read more
- Thomas Sorensen Memorial ScholarshipThe Thomas Sorensen Memorial Scholarship is open to students with permanent disabilities registered with the Paul Menton Center at Carleton University. Amount: $3000 Number: 1 Deadline: October 15th, 2021 This scholarship was stablished by the Sorensen family to honour the legacy of their son, Thomas Sorensen, who was a student at Carleton from 2013-2014. Thomas had big dreams, was a ...Read more
- Thomas Sorensen Memorial ScholarshipEstablished by the Sorensen family to honour the legacy of their son, Thomas Sorensen, who was a student at Carleton from 2013-2014. Thomas had big dreams, was a true advocate for persons with disabilities and devoted countless hours volunteering and fundraising for various charitable organizations. He would never turn down an opportunity to educate anyone ...Read more