- 35 Lions Club of Regina ScholarshipAvailable to students enrolled in an undergraduate program at the University of Regina Amount: $1300 Number Available: 1 Deadline: March 15, 2025 The 35 Lions Club of Regina Scholarship is a non-renewable scholarship available to students enrolled in an undergraduate program at the University of Regina who reside within Regina City or the Province of Saskatchewan. Criteria The scholarship shall be ...Read more
- Administrative & Supervisory Personnel Association (ASPA) Bursary for Students with DisabilitiesThe Administrative & Supervisory Personnel Association (ASPA) Bursary for Students with Disabilities is offered to students who are sons or daughters of the Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association (ASPA) members. Applicants must have completed at least one year of study in any program leading to a degree at the University of Saskatchewan and have a ...Read more
- Against the Odds: Faculty of Nursing Deans AwardAvailable to students attending the University of Regina Amount: $1000 Number Available: 2 (1 for a student at the Regina campus; 1 to a student at the Saskatoon campus) Deadline: October 1st 2025 The University of Regina will present a total of two non-renewable Against the Odds: Faculty of Nursing Deans Awards valued at $1,000 each, one to the ...Read more
- APUS Bursary ProgramThe Association of Part-Time Undergraduate Students’ Bursary is available to part-time students at the University of Toronto. This is for the winter term bursary. Amount: $1000 Number: on average 4 bursaries are offered Deadline:Closed Opens:Check back for future APUS Bursaries (Winter 2025) @APUS97 This bursary was created as part of the Association of Part-Time Undergraduate Students’ (APUS) 50th anniversary celebration. We are ...Read more
- AQEIPS BursaryThis year, the Quebec Association for Equity and Inclusion in Post-Secondary Education (AQEIPS) is launching the 26th edition of its scholarships program for post-secondary students with disabilities. Amount:up to $1000 Number: multiple Deadline: February 14th, 2025 at 11:59pm Criteria To be eligible to win an AQEIPS scholarship, candidates must meet the following requirements: • Be an active AQEIPS member (you can apply to ...Read more
- BMO Capital Markets Lime Connect Equity ScholarshipThis is a national post-secondary scholarship open to all disabilities in all provinces and states. Amount: $10,000 (USD) For Students in the US or $5,000 (USD) For Students in Canada Number Available: Varies Open: Applications open January 14th, 2025 Deadline: TBA Launched in 2005, Equity Through Education helps people achieve their dreams by getting the opportunity to develop themselves through education. To ...Read more
- Dalhousie Student Accessibility Fund BursaryBursaries which are open to all Dalhousie students with disabilities. We recognize that there are additional financial burdens associated with having a disability, and these bursaries are provided to help defray these costs. Amount: 1000$ Deadline: Currently accepting applications for the 2024/25 academic year until we have funds have been exhausted . Applications will be processed on ...Read more
- David Ryson Accessibility and Inclusion AwardThe David Ryson Accessibility and Inclusion Award is a non-renewable award presented to a disabled student continuing an undergraduate degree at the University of Regina. Amount: $1000 Number Available: 1 Deadline: October 1, 2025 Criteria The award will be presented to a University of Regina undergraduate student who meets the following criteria: Pursuing a degree in any area of study Registered in ...Read more
- Dr. John Davis Burton AwardThe John Davis Burton Award is an award to honor a student in good standing who has made a significant contribution toward awareness, equality and integration of persons with disabilities within the educational community. This award is given annually to a deserving student who is enrolled at Algonquin College, Carleton University, La Cité collègiale or the University of Ottawa. Amount: Varies Number Available: 1 Open: ...Read more
- Ed Ireland Award for Disabled International StudentsAwarded annually, on the recommendation of the Director of the Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities, to one (1) international student who is entering or proceeding from one year to another and who is registered with the Paul Menton Centre. Recipients will be in demonstrated financial need. Should the recipient be a graduate student, ...Read more
- Ed Ireland Bursary for Students with DisabilitiesAwarded annually to two (2) deserving students proceeding from one year to another. Successful applicants are selected from within the following areas: College of Humanities, Human Rights, Electronics – doing research work in the area of silicon-based optical sensors, the Attendants Service Program, and students with disabilities registered with the Paul Menton Centre. Amount: 500$ Number Available: ...Read more
- Faculty of Education Scholarship: Graduate Students Living with DisabilitiesWestern’s Faculty of Education has a dedicated scholarship program for graduate students who live with disabilities. This initiative strives to seed the roots for positive change and reinforces the Faculty of Education’s strategic plan to create systemic, social, and ideological changes across the faculty. This scholarship provides support for students with disabilities who have historically ...Read more
- IODE Lord Dundonald Giselle Lazure Memorial AwardAwarded annually on the recommendation of the Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities to an outstanding student entering or proceeding from one year to another at Carleton University who is in demonstrated financial need. Eligible students will have a permanent mental or physical disability and be registered with the Paul Menton Centre. Established in ...Read more
- James R. (Jamie) Greilich Memorial BursaryThe James R. (Jamie) Greilich Memorial Bursary is available to students attending McMaster University. Amount: varies Number Available: Varies Deadline: January 11th, 2025 with your supporting documents due on January 22, 2025. For Undergrad The James R. (Jamie) Greilich Memorial Bursary was established in 1991 in memory of Jamie Greilich (Class of ’88) by the Operating Committee on the ...Read more
- James R. (Jamie) Greilich Memorial ScholarshipThe James R. (Jamie) Greilich Memorial Scholarship is available to students studying at McMaster University. Amount: $5000 Number Available: 1 Deadline: September 8th, 2025 Or April 30th 2025 depending on where you look on the website The James R. (Jamie) Greilich Memorial Scholarship was established in 2015 by Mr. George and Mrs. Rita Greilich in memory of their son Jamie, ...Read more
- Jeanne and Peter Nolan AwardThe Jeanne and Peter Nolan Award is available to students studying at McMaster University. Amount: Varies Number Available: Varies Deadline: Sept 8th or April 30 Depending on where you look on the website. The Jeanne and Peter Nolan Award was established in 2014 by Kim (Class of 2004 and 2009) and Tim (Class of ‘86 and 2004) Nolan to celebrate ...Read more
- John Teuscher Memorial ScholarshipAwarded annually, on the recommendation of the Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities, to a student with a Learning Disability proceeding from one year to another who has been involved in student life and is a Canadian citizen. Preference will be given to a student enrolled in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. ...Read more
- Joint Diversity ScholarshipSave-On-Foods is proud to have partnered with UFCW Local 1518 to establish a Joint Diversity and Training Trust to support and maintain a respectful and positive working environment. Our goal is to work collaboratively to promote diversity awareness and build strong, healthy and mutually beneficial relationships within the diverse communities that we serve. We help students ...Read more
- Lime Connect Pathways Scholarship for High School SeniorsAmount: $1,000 Number Available: 3 Deadline: Monday, May 31st at 11:59 pm EST Criteria Eligibility Requirements: 2021 Scholarship Applicants must match the following criteria: Have, or consider themselves to have a visible or invisible disability* Current high school senior in the U.S. or Canada graduating in the Spring or Summer of 2021 Accepted to, or applied and awaiting acceptance to, a 4-year university or ...Read more
- MADD Canada Bursary ProgramAvailable to students who have been severely injured or who have had an immediate family member killed or severely injured as a result of an impaired driving crash. Amount: $10,000 and $5,000 Deadline: May 31st Criteria Applicants must: be Canadian citizens have themselves been severely injured or who have had a parent, legal guardian, or sibling killed or severely injured as a result of an impaired ...Read more
- Mattinson Scholarship for Students with DisabilitiesThe Mattinson Scholarship for Students with Disabilities is a national scholarship available to students with disabilities. Amount: $2000 Number Available: 4 Deadline: June 1, 2020 Up to four (4) scholarships at the bachelor level, distributed as follows: 1 in the category of Physical Disability*; 1 in the category of Sensory Disability*; 2 in any of the following categories: ...Read more
- McGill University Financial AidThis page provides information about funding opportunities available specifically to students entering or attending post-secondary at McGill University. From the McGill Financial Aid Office: McGill provides both merit- and need- based support to entrance and in-course students. While some of our awards may have a ‘preference’ for students with disabilities, we do not discriminate in our selection ...Read more
- McMaster Achievement Awards of ExcellenceThe McMaster Achievement Awards of Excellence are available to students who are registered with McMaster University’s Student Accessibility Services (SAS). Amount: $800 Number Available: 1 Deadline: April 30th Established in 1998. Criteria A variable number of scholarships to be awarded to students who, in the judgment of the Student Accessibility Services (SAS), demonstrate outstanding academic achievement. Preference will be given to first-degree ...Read more
- Memorial University ScholarshipsThis page lists the scholarships available to disabled students attending Memorial University. Amount: varies Number: varies Deadline: March 1st (annually) Memorial University has a number of scholarships available to students with disabilities enrolled at the university. Many of them have similar steps, So just a number of them have been shown here. If you wish to see the full ...Read more
- Merylyn K. Vann BursaryThe Merylyn K. Vann Bursary is open to students with disabilities enrolled in any undergraduate degree program at the University of Saskatchewan. Amount: $6000 Number Available: 1 Deadline: October 1st annually There is another source from the University of Saskatchewan called school finder, and they are saying that the Merylyn K. Vann Bursary the amount its worth is $3000. So don’t ...Read more
- NEADS Accessibility Resilience ProgramNEADS Accessibility Resilience Program – Emergency Support for Students with Disabilities in Response to COVID-19 Purpose: COVID-19 has placed an undue burden on post-secondary students with disabilities (undergraduate university, graduate university, college, cégep, and high school students entering a post-secondary institution) who were already facing immense socio-cultural and operational accessibility challenges before the pandemic. Particular challenges include ...Read more
- NEADS National Student Awards ProgramThis page lists the various scholarships and awards available to students with disabilities through NEADS. Amount: Varies Number Available: Varies (see below) Deadline: February 28, 2025 (see NEADS Financial Assistance Program page) The NEADS National Student Awards Program is offered to encourage full access to post-secondary education for persons with disabilities, who often have greater barriers to participation in ...Read more
- Normand Brie FoundationThe Normand Brie Foundation provides financial support to individuals facing obstacles to success; students with disabilities residing in Quebec can apply. Amount: varies Number: multiple Deadline: open at all times The Foundation was created by Normand Brie, founder of Normandin Restaurants, to support people who are motivated to achieve their goals, but who are facing an obstacle. A personal ...Read more
- PAANS Scholarships for Students with DisabilitiesThe PAANS Scholarships for Students with Disabilities are available to students with disabilities who are permanent residents of Nova Scotia. Amount: $1000-$2000 (see below) Number Available: 12 (see below) Deadline: March 28th, 2025 at 4:30PM Two scholarships in the amount of $1,500.00, four in the amount of $2,000.00, six in the amount of $1000.00 are anticipated to be available for ...Read more
- Pat McGrath ScholarshipThe Pat McGrath Scholarship is available to a Canadian student with a disability who is attending university or college. Amount: $1000 Number Available: 1 Deadline: November 1st 2019 In memory of former Board and Trustee member, Pat McGrath. Criteria Available to a student with a disability studying at a Canadian university or community college This is not ...Read more
- Provincial Artisans BursaryThe Provincial Artisans Bursary is available to students with disabilities who are residing in Nova Scotia and attending a post-secondary institution. Amount: Varies Number Available: Varies Deadline: May 31st (annually) Provincial Artisans (Fredericton) Inc. has agreed to provide the capital to fund several bursaries to aid disadvantaged students who are either entering or already attending an institution offering post secondary ...Read more
- SaskPower Award in Business AdministrationThe SaskPower Award in Business Administration is a non-renewable scholarship available to students with disabilities continuing their undergraduate program at the University of Regina targeted to students in Business Administration. Amount: $3000 Number Available: 1 Deadline: October 1st, 2019 . For the 2020-2021 School year if the trend continues, The deadline should be October 1st ...Read more
- SaskPower Award in ChemistryThe SaskPower Award in Chemistry is a non-renewable scholarship available to disabled students continuing their undergraduate program at the University of Regina. Amount: $3000 Number Available: 1 Deadline: October 1st, 2019 , Yet if the deadline follows the pattern it has for the past few years. Then the deadline for the 2020 year should be ...Read more
- SaskPower Award in Electronic Systems EngineeringThe SaskPower Award in Electronic Systems Engineering is a non-renewable scholarship available to disabled students continuing their undergraduate program at the University of Regina. Amount: $3000 Number Available: 1 Deadline: October 1st, 2019 , But if the trend continues then the deadline for the 2020 year should be October 1st 2020. Recipients of this award may ...Read more
- SaskPower Award in Environmental Systems EngineeringThe SaskPower Award in Environmental Systems Engineering is a non-renewable scholarship available to disabled students continuing their undergraduate program at the University of Regina. Amount: $3000 Number Available: 1 Deadline: October 1st, 2019 , But they seemingly make the deadline on October 1st every year. Recipients of this award may have the opportunity to interview for ...Read more
- SaskPower Award in Industrial Systems EngineeringThe SaskPower Award in Industrial Systems Engineering is a non-renewable scholarship available to disabled students continuing their undergraduate program at the University of Regina. Amount: $3000 Number Available: 1 Deadline: October 1st, 2018 But they seemingly make the deadline on October 1st every year. Recipients of this award may have the opportunity to interview for potential ...Read more
- Seneca College Scholarships and BursariesSeneca College has a number of scholarships and bursaries available to students with disabilities. Each of those are listed here along with their individual criteria. Amount: $350-$1000 Number: 5 Deadline: TBD But the renewable scholarships for the 2021 academic year is open from now until the tenth day of class. All other awards will be available in fall and open ...Read more
- Susan Parker Scott ScholarshipAwarded annually on the recommendation of the Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities to an outstanding undergraduate student entering or proceeding from one year to another at Carleton University. Established by CFUW-Ottawa Club at the request of Fran Harding and funded through generous donations from Fran and other CFUW-Ottawa Club members. It is named in ...Read more
- Terry Fox Humanitarian Award ProgramThe Terry Fox Humanitarian Award Program is open to all Canadian students with disabilities working towards their first degree or diploma. Amount: The maximum value of the award is $28,000, dispersed over four (4) years Number Available: Varies Deadline: February 1st (annually) The Terry Fox Humanitarian Award Program aims to honour the spirit of Terry Fox, one of Canada’s ...Read more
- June Opie FellowshipThe June Opie Fellowship is available to Canadian students with severe disabilities who will be attending post-graduate studies. Amount: The value of the award is expected to be about $NZ 12,000 but will vary at the discretion of the panel. Number Available: 1 Deadline: October 1st Annually The award, available to citizens and permanent residents of Australia, Canada, and New ...Read more
- Terry Fox Memorial ScholarshipAmount: $2500 Number Available: 1 Deadline: TBH 2021 Each year, the 390,000-member National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) offers 8 scholarships of $2,500 each that reflect its pursuit of equal opportunity for workers. The Terry Fox Memorial Scholarship is one of those and is specific to students with disabilities. The National Union of Public and General Employees ...Read more
- Thomas Sorensen Memorial ScholarshipThe Thomas Sorensen Memorial Scholarship is open to students with permanent disabilities registered with the Paul Menton Center at Carleton University. Amount: $3000 Number: 1 Deadline: October 15th, 2021 This scholarship was stablished by the Sorensen family to honour the legacy of their son, Thomas Sorensen, who was a student at Carleton from 2013-2014. Thomas had big dreams, was a ...Read more
- Thomas Sorensen Memorial ScholarshipEstablished by the Sorensen family to honour the legacy of their son, Thomas Sorensen, who was a student at Carleton from 2013-2014. Thomas had big dreams, was a true advocate for persons with disabilities and devoted countless hours volunteering and fundraising for various charitable organizations. He would never turn down an opportunity to educate anyone ...Read more
- Timmons Mason EndowmentThe Timmons Mason Endowment is awarded to undergraduate students attending the University of Regina who are registered with Campus for All program. Amount: Varies Number Available: 1 Deadline: Fall Deadline Oct 1st 2021, Winter Deadline February 3rd 2021 Criteria The award will be presented to a student(s) who meets the following criteria: is registered with Campus for All program at the University ...Read more
- University of Saskatchewan Ability ScholarshipsThe University of Saskatchewan Ability Scholarships are open to students with disabilities enrolled in any undergraduate degree program at the University of Saskatchewan. Amount: Varies Number Available: 1 Deadline: October 1st, annually Selection is based on academic achievement or a combination of academic achievement and other selection criteria, as specified by individual scholarship criteria. Recipients will be selected and notified ...Read more
- Walker Wood Award(s)Awarded on the recommendation of the Director of the Paul Menton Centre, to outstanding students with a demonstrated permanent disability enrolled in any program of study at Carleton University. Preference will be given to student in financial need from Atlantic provinces. Established in 2019 by the Walker Wood Foundation. Amount: up to 4000$ One-time funding only. ...Read more
Last Updated 2025-01-07