The Provincial Artisans Bursary is available to students with disabilities who are residing in Nova Scotia and attending a post-secondary institution.
Amount: Varies
Number Available: Varies
Deadline: May 31st (annually)
Provincial Artisans (Fredericton) Inc. has agreed to provide the capital to fund several bursaries to aid disadvantaged students who are either entering or already attending an institution offering post secondary education. Historically, individual bursaries have ranged from $500 to $3,000.
Those eligible to apply are:
- Students with exceptionalities (i.e. physical, mental or sensory disability, or learning challenges)
- Either entering or already attending a university or another institution offering post secondary education
- Resident of New Brunswick
- Extent of there disability
- Academic Performance
- Academic dedication
- Financial need
- Community Involvement
The decisions of the Bursary Committee will be based on:
- Accommodations or modifications currently provided
- Prior academic performance
How to Apply
You can find the bursary application here.
Attach 2 letters of reference, your most recent transcript, and accommodations and/or modifications currently in place.
Applicants may apply by sending an application to:
Provincial Artisans Bursary Committee
c/o Fredericton Community Foundation Inc.
117 York Street, Suite 102
Fredericton, NB E3B 3N6
Notification to successful candidates is by June 30th of the current year with cheques being sent upon receipt of confirmation from the educational institution that tuition has been paid.
Contact Information
Provincial Artisans Bursary Committee
c/o Fredericton Community Foundation Inc.
117 York Street, Suite 102
Fredericton, NB E3B 3N6
See Also:
See other New Brunswick scholarships // See other scholarships open to all disabilities