The Newfoundland and Labrador government has an information page for students with permanent disabilities.
The Grant for Services and Equipment for Students with Permanent Disabilities (CSG- PDSE)
Students with permanent disabilities can apply for grants for services and equipment through the Newfoundland and Labrador Integrated Student Financial Assistance Program. View the application form
In addition to being eligible for the Canada Student Grant for Students with Permanent Disabilities, if you have education-related costs associated with your permanent disability, you may also be eligible to receive the CSG-PDSE.
This grant offers up to $20,000 per academic year (August 1 to July 31) for each year of full-time or part-time studies (including undergraduate and graduate levels), provided you continue to meet the eligibility criteria.
The assistance provided under this grant is separate from other eligible student financial assistance. It is designed to offset the education-related service and equipment expenses related to your disability.
To be eligible for CSG-PDSE and Grant for High Need Students with Permanent Disabilities, if required, you must satisfy all of the following criteria:
- Have been deemed eligible for the Canada Student Grant for Students with Permanent Disabilities;
- Have identified barriers/limitations that restrict your ability to perform the daily activities necessary to participate in your studies;
- Not be in default of a Canada Student Loan;
- Demonstrate financial need through the Student Aid application for full-time or part-time studies; and
- Be enrolled in a post-secondary level program at a designated post-secondary institution as a full-time or part-time student.
You are advised to apply for the Grants for Services and Equipment when you apply for Student Aid. The deadline to apply is eight weeks after the start of classes or for semesters less than twelve weeks, two weeks after the first day of classes. For more information on important dates and deadlines veiw Deadline and Service Standards
Grant for High Need Students with Permanent Disabilities
The Grant for High Need Students with Permanent Disabilities provides assistance to cover education-related costs associated with a permanent disability over the amount available from the Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment for Students with Permanent Disabilities.
To be considered for this grant, you must submit the Application for Grants for Services and Equipment for Students with Permanent Disabilities PDF (2.3 MB) and you will be automatically assessed. If this grant is required, funds will be disbursed the same as for the Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment for Students with Permanent Disabilities (CSG-PDSE).
Note: Funds will be issued the same as the Grant for Services and Equipment for Students with Permanent Disabilities.
Government of Newfoundland and Labourdor
Last Updated:2024-07-03