Louise Charette Memorial Award

This award was established in the loving memory of Louise Charette, an award-winning CBC journalist.  

Amount: $1000
Number available: 1
Deadline: March 15th
About: Valued at a minimum of $1000, it is available annually to a first-year Creative Communications student. Students who are members of under-represented groups at Red River College, or who face physical, social, economic, cultural or other barriers in their pursuit of education, are encouraged to apply.


  • Students must attend Red River College
  • The student is a member of a minority group
  • Applications should be accompanied by a one-page statement describing the barriers they have overcome and their plans for the future. 

Selection Criteria

Applications should be accompanied by a one-page statement describing the barriers they have overcome and their plans for the future.  In the selection process, preference will be given to those applicants who have declared their major as Journalism, and/or have graduated from Elmwood High School.   Completed applications should be submitted by email to financialaid@rrc.ca.

A general RRC application is required for this award. To access the application click here 


Phone and Email

Phone: 204-632-2327
Toll-free: 1-800-903-7707
Email: register@rrc.ca

Last Updated: 2023/01/05