Dr. E. Bruce Hendrick Scholarship Program

The Dr. E. Bruce Hendrick Scholarship Program is open to Canadian citizens with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus residing in Canada.

Amount: Varies

Number Available: Varies

Deadline: April 30, 2025

Named in honour of Dr. E. Bruce Hendrick as a tribute to his dedication, on-going support and outstanding service to our members.

The Dr. E. Bruce Hendrick Scholarship Program was established to encourage and support students with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus to develop independence and responsibility for their own future educational directions; and to assist students to pursue higher education with the ultimate goal of obtaining a degree or graduate certificate or diploma.


The awards are valid at any accredited university or college, technical or trade school, career institute or school of business.

Open to Canadian citizens with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus residing in Canada. What the committee will take into account is the applicant’s motivation, self-awareness, and goal setting, as well as potential for success.

How to Apply

Submit the following documents:

  • Dr. E. Bruce Hendrick National Scholarship Application Form and the Dr. E. Bruce Hendrick National Scholarship Medical Form, which can be obtained from Hydrocephalus Canada webpage or by contacting Hydrocephalus Canada by mail, telephone 800-387-1575 or info@hydrocephalus.ca
  • Academic transcripts including the most recent completed semester. For students still in secondary school, a copy of the second semester mid-term report, or, if the school is not semestered, a copy of the last report issued;
  • The medical assessment form (not required if you have previously applied unless your situation has changed)
  • One letter of reference from an adult other than a family member, such as a minister, youth group leader, coach, volunteer supervisor, or employer
  • One letter of reference from a teacher, principal, guidance counsellor. If you are already attending a post-secondary institution, one letter must be from one of your professors or instructors.
  • A letter from you (the applicant) describing
    • Why you think you are deserving of this award – this is your opportunity to tell us about yourself;
    • How spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus has affected your education and your life in general;
    • A goal you set for yourself and how you achieved it; and
    • Any other information that you feel would be helpful for the Program Advisory Committee to make their decision

The selection of the award recipients will be made by the Program Advisory Committee. When making its decision, this committee will take into account the applicant’s motivation, self-awareness, and goal setting, as well as potential for success. The Committee (in consultation with the successful applicant) will determine how funds will be paid.


Contact Information

Applications can be sent by mail of email to: 

Hydrocephalus Canada
Dr. E. Bruce Hendrick Scholarship Program
16 Four Seasons Place, Suite 111
Toronto, Ontario
M9B 6E5

Email: info@hydrocephalus.ca


See Also:

See other Ontario scholarships // See other scholarships for chronic physical disabilities