Michelle Edwards Bursary

The Michelle Edwards Bursary is open to female students with epilepsy living in or planning to attend school in Toronto. 

Amount: $800

Number available: 2

Deadline: The 2024 deadline to apply has now passed. Please check Epilepsy Toronto’s Scholarships & Bursaries webpage early Spring 2025 for the next applications.

Michele faced many challenges in life as a result of her epilepsy, but she experienced additional barriers as a woman of colour. In acknowledgement of those additional barriers, at least one of the 2022 Michele Edwards bursaries will be awarded to a BIPOC (Black, Indigenous or people of colour) candidate.

The Michelle Edwards Bursary is administered by Epilepsy Toronto and supported by Peter Boisseau. The bursary aims to encourage and support women with epilepsy who have faced discrimination. Two bursaries of $800 each are awarded annually to two candidates to further their education and/or their career goals, whether that be in a full-time or part-time program, workshop, extra-curricular class or pursuing a career.


  • Identify as female
  • Living with epilepsy
  • Quality of life is significantly impacted by epilepsy
  • In financial need and would make good use of the bursary money
  • Despite the challenges they face, are ambitious and show great initiative and determination in pursuing their education and/or career goals
  • Have faced adversity or discrimination, whether it be because of their epilepsy, race, gender, or sexuality
  • Live in or are planning to attend school in Toronto, or are an Epilepsy Toronto client
  • At least one of the 2022 Michele Edwards bursaries will be awarded to a BIPOC (Black, Indigenous or people of colour) candidate

How to Apply

Check Epilepsy Toronto’s Scholarships & Bursaries webpage early Spring 2023 for information about the next year of applications.

Contact Information

Epilepsy Toronto

468 Queen St. East, Suite 210

Toronto, ON, M5A 1T7

Phone: (416) 964-9095

Fax: (416) 964-2492

Email: info@epilepsytoronto.org

Epilepsy Toronto Contact webpage

See Also

Source: Epilepsy Toronto’s Scholarships & Bursaries webpage

The other epilepsy scholarships on our website:

See other Ontario scholarships // See other scholarships for physical disabilities // See scholarships open to all disabilities

Last Updated: 2024-07-05