Chopnick Hilliard Scholarship

Available to Canadian students with a spinal cord injury

Amount: $1500

Number Available: 1

Deadline: May 31st, 2021


The Chopnick Hilliard Scholarship is open to any post-secondary student who has a spinal cord injury and who is living in Canada.

Applicants must meet all of the following criterial to be eligible.

  • The applicant must be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant.
  • The applicant must be attending, or will be attending, a recognized post-secondary institution in Canada.
  • The applicant must have a spinal cord injury.
  • The applicant has provided a copy of his/her most recent two years of transcripts (unless the applicant has not been in school for the past five years).

How to Apply

Apply online here. Alternatively, find more information here

The application available through the second link should be sent to:

Scholarship Selection Committee
Suite 230
11101 Prince of Wales Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K2C 3W7

Phone: (613) 723-1033

Fax: (613) 723-1060


Two letters of reference are required, recognizing the applicant’s outstanding initiative, scholastic achievement and contributions to the community.

Contact Information

520 Sutherland Drive,

Toronto, ON, Canada, M4G 3V9

Bill Adair, Executive Director

(416) 200-5814



See Also:


See other mobility impairment scholarships