Dr. Isabella Mills Bursary

The Dr. Isabella Mills Bursary is available to students studying at the University of Saskatchewan who have a mobility impairment. 

Amount: Varies (typically $1000)

Number Available: 1

Deadline: October 1st Annually

The Dr. Isabella Mills Bursary is funded by the estate of Dr. Isabella Mills, and is renewable for students studying at the University of Saskatchewan with a mobility impairment for up to three years. A massive thank you goes to the estate as previously mention as they are the ones funding this bursary.


Awarded annually to students with mobility disabilities who are pursuing studies in any direct-entry undergraduate degree program in any college at the University of Saskatchewan and who have graduated from a Saskatchewan high school.

Recipients are eligible to have the bursary renewed to the completion of an undergraduate degree provided they maintain an acceptable academic average and continue to demonstrate financial need.

Some Things and Information that Might Interest You:
  • Selection for this award is based on financial need and academic achievement/performance
  • You can renew this bursary for up-to 3 years
  • Student are ask to provide a brief medical statement indicating how the disability impairs your mobility and affects your ability to participate in the University experience.
  • In the Application you will be ask to fill out different types of information. Due to this award being based in Financial need and academic achievement, Some of these types of questions may be.
    • General Information
      • Your Name
      • Address
      • Age
    • Education Information
      • The High school you graduated from
      • Area of Study
      • Current year if program
    • Financial Information
      • Income earned in the last 12 months
      • Total values of all your assets

How to Apply

Log into your U of S portal and fill out the Application for Continuing Bursaries, As the Competitive Entrance Awards application form is a backup form that I don’t believe has been updated in a few years.

Please check out the main website for the award, to see more information on this award and see where to apply; click: Here

Contact Information

Please email awards@usask.ca with questions or concerns

Last Updated:2025-01-03