Lisa Huus Memorial Bursaries

The Lisa Huus Memorial Bursaries are available to students with physical disabilities who are attending post-secondary education in British Columbia or Alberta. 

Amount: $500 – $5,000

Number Available: Varies

Deadline: May 31, 2024

The purpose of the Lisa Huus Memorial Fund is to provide bursaries, in the range of $500 – $5,000 annually per recipient, to assist persons with disabilities in funding their post-secondary education at an accredited post-secondary institution in British Columbia or Alberta. Bursaries may be used for items such as tuition fees, textbooks, equipment, transportation, residence and support worker costs.

Lisa Pauline Huus was a pioneer for people with disabilities seeking access to mainstream education in British Columbia. She was the first student with a significant disability (Muscular Dystrophy) to attend the BC public school system, in Victoria, British Columbia, and graduated from Claremont Senior Secondary School in 1985. She continued to be a trailblazer for other students with disabilities and went on to study at the University of Victoria. She was a third-year sociology student when she passed away.

The Lisa Huus Memorial Bursary Fund was established in 1988 by Lisa’s family and has been supported by
personal donations in memory of Lisa and by fundraising activities undertaken by the Huus family and the
bursary committee.


To be eligible, applicants must:

  • be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • be enrolled in an accredited college or university in British Columbia or Alberta
  • be a person with significant physical disabilities or ongoing health challenges, such as someone who:
    • requires a personal attendant
    • is dependent on a mechanical device for mobility or maintenance of body functions
    • requires major continuing therapies, OR
    • have other significant special needs

Applicants with mental health challenges are invited to apply only if they also have a significant physical disability.

How to Apply

Apply through the Lisa Huus Bursary webpage by clicking ‘Apply now’ below Step 2.

Applications must be completed online. For privacy reasons, the online system does not have the ability to store information. Applications need to be completed in full at one time. You will not be able to save and come back to your application. Closing the online application prior to submitting will result in loss of data so it is recommended that all necessary information and documents are gathered and accessible prior to starting an application.

To be considered complete, your application to the Lisa Huus Memorial Fund must include:

  • General applicant Information
  • Academic information
    • including an academic transcript for at least two years of study
  • Medical information
    • including a letter of disability certification
  • Financial information
    • including complete budget information regarding anticipated expenses and income for the upcoming school year
  • Statement of personal goals
    • 500-1000 word statement outlining your goals, reasons for pursuing higher education and how your disability impacts your daily activities and studies
  • Reference
    • must be from a teacher or professor who has taught you
    • the reference form can be found on the Lisa Huus Bursary webpage under Step 3
    • complete the form and email it to before the deadline with the subject line ‘Lisa Huus Bursary’

Full information on these sections and a summary of the application questions can be found in the application guidelines document on the Lisa Huus Bursary webpage under Step 1.

All required documents must be uploaded with the application – please remember you cannot save the application and must have the documents ready to submit all at one time.

You will be sent a confirmation email once all of your supporting documentation and application are received and considered complete. All applicants will be contacted via email regarding the outcome of their application by the end of June.

Contact Information

Aidan Johnston, Senior Fund Development Coordinator

Phone: 250-940-4950 ext 129 


See Also


Lisa Huus Bursary Webpage

Lisa Huus Bursary Application Guidelines

See other Alberta scholarships // See other British Columbia scholarships // See other scholarships for mobility impairments // See other scholarships for physical disabilities 

Last updated: 2024-05-16